Thursday, October 24, 2024

Busy weekend in the area nurseries

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Last year, Robert Blunt’s greenhouses, located in eastern Ottawa, were unable to open their doors to loyal customers due to the pandemic. All sales are done online and It was hell, Line Plante, owner, recalls, in an interview with ICI Ottawa-Gatineau.

Since opening, customers have been there every day. We have a lot of traffic, Argued. People are very happy to be here.

Mrs. Blunt ensures that sanitary restrictions are respected. Arrows, hand washing, compulsory mask, entry ban with food or drink: everything is there, she tells. The owner asserts that the clients she describes as “exceptional” are patient.

We are very strict about hygienic procedures.

Quote from:Line Plante, owner of Serres Robert Plante

She said the epidemic will definitely have contributed to the return of horticulture’s popularity. Helps keep away from boredom of caring for plantsShe joked.

She added that the shelves empty at a rapid rate, noting that annual baskets disappear very quickly, as well as shrubs.

When the field is empty, […] It takes five years to restore this productionBlunt explains. After 40 years in business, the family business is also Links Allow it to regularly replenish inventories.

Line Plante, owner of Serres Robert Plante

Photo: Radio Canada / Hugo Belanger

Vanessa Parisian is on her third visit in the past two weeks. It’s going too fast, anyway, Confirms the person who developed a new passion for gardening.

It is chubby, but it drives well and keeps people at a distanceRemember Francine Marlowe, who was on her second visit to these greenhouses.

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The latter also believes that boredom and lack of activity drive new people to start gardening. The Home Stay order is valid until June 2 across Ontario.

It’s hard to find employees

Across the river, Emery Garden Center owner Frédéric Boivin noted that sales are exceptional. We’re on the biggest weekend, Lives.

Last year, we took some lessons. Our factories ran out because we couldn’t predict production [de l’hiver]Boivin explains, before specifying that this is not the case this year.

Shelves filled with potted flowers.

Despite the traffic congestion, the garden center is not lacking in products, it is to find the workforce that seems more complicated.

Photo: Radio Canada / Simon Lasalle

This season, the shortage of manpower is more pronounced, notes the owner of the company. Mr Boivin estimates a deficit of 40% in terms of headcount.

As of today, I will be ready to hire 15 new people.

Quote from:Frédéric Boivin, owner of the Emery Park Center

Despite this flaw, a person with 25 years of experience insists on the fact that customers exist, He had never seen anything like him To his eyes.

With information from Mama Pardon and Frederick Pepin

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