Thursday, October 24, 2024

Julian Presboa defends Nikita Kucherov

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Virginia Whitehead
Virginia Whitehead
"Pop culture maven. Unapologetic student. Avid introvert. Gamer. Problem solver. Tv fanatic."

Over the past few days, Nikita Kucherov has made a name for himself. He has become a controversial figure, in spite of himself, in Montreal since his Stanley Cup win. why?

Let’s summarize.

The Lightning player first mocked CH . fans to celebrate victory – And his agent added some. Then Bud Light signed it So that represents the brand.

There were other events that made him hated in the eyes of many people, including a picnic against people who complained that the Lightning was crossing the salary mark by many in the playoffs.

All this to say that the hut has turned many people against it. It doesn’t stop him from sleeping, but it still bothers him anyway.

So it’s only natural that Julien BriseBois, the general manager of Tampa Bay training, was called to comment on his player’s actions. And it’s not a big surprise, As we read in this text from 98.5 SportsHe went to defend his star.

In fact, the CEO of Lightning has praised his player and qualities as a man, and he says he admires him.

In his eyes, it’s just an excess of alcohol. nothing else.

I obviously don’t know how much Bud Light he consumed before the press conference on Game Night 5. [contre Montréal]! But I know he was very naughty.

I don’t think he wants disrespect. Perhaps he had a surplus … – Nikita Kucherov

One wonders if he’s been drunk since, but hey.

This means that in Tampa Bay, we don’t worry too much about Kucherov’s actions. He’s just celebrating his second Stanley Cup after tough months on the sidelines and the organization respects that.

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a lot of

A full stadium in Canada? Announced in mid-July?

– CH will be drawn in the 31st place, but there will be no 11th place. So he will have the thirtieth choice. Why simplify it when you can make it complicated?

– good news.

A picture of the project. [TSLH]

– Sign in Pittsburgh.

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