Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rain tickets in the pool Tames Tames

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Virginia Whitehead
Virginia Whitehead
"Pop culture maven. Unapologetic student. Avid introvert. Gamer. Problem solver. Tv fanatic."

Montreal police issued more than thirty tickets and handcuffed at least one person during a rally at Mount Royal Thames on Sunday afternoon.

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Many musicians and dancers gathered at the foot of the Sir Georges-Etienne Cartier monument to take advantage of the good weather.

About thirty statements were made offending people without face coverings.

« Damn this. We had two meters. A woman said a police officer had issued her a ticket for not complying with health instructions.

According to our observations, at least one person has been arrested. The man in his forties refused to cooperate with the authorities.

In all, more than fifty percussionists were assembled without necessarily adhering to hygienic instructions. Away from this group, dozens of people watched the show with a smile on their faces.

It’s time for the police to step in here. “The situation was worse last week,” said Louisette, a passerby who came for a walk with her husband.

Police also issued numerous tickets for Montreal residents to drink beer without accompanying it with a meal.

We are already in a police state. Alexan Rancourt criticizes “so we can’t relax in the garden anymore”.

At the end of the day, all of the tams-tams participants left the site passively. “We will not comment on gatherings in parks this weekend,” he said. magazine Raphael Bergeron, SPVM spokesperson.

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