Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Saint Luce Mayor resigns

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

It was with great affection that this morning I submitted my resignation from my position as mayor of the municipality., she writes.

She explains that she accepted a position on the management team of a well-established organization in the area, a date which she describes as incompatible with the mayor’s job. And it specified that the name of this organization will be announced soon.

His resignation is valid on Friday. Thus it is Michelin Barriolt who is serving as the alternative mayor of St. Luce, pending the next municipal elections scheduled for November.

I do not rule out a return to politics. It’s part of my DNA. For now, life takes me elsewhere, but it is not a denial or unwillingness to be in politics.

Quote from:Mighty Blanchett Vesina, Saint Lu’s Mayor has resigned

Mrs. Blanchett Vesina also says it is an honor for her that she was able to serve the St. Luce community and assures that she will leave her town hall position feeling the duty fulfilled, especially with regard to climate change and coastal issues.

It is one of the biggest challenges of our time. I have done a lot in the field of prevention, and I would like us to develop the Gulf and the rest of the municipality according to what will come in the coming yearsas you say.

The states that put it down and expire, and will also release announcements in the coming weeks, go in that direction. I am very happy with the legacy I leave for the municipality, And she adds.

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Mighty Blanchett Vizina was elected Mayor of Saint-Luce in 2017.

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