Thursday, October 24, 2024

Special file: Cancer – Quebec Science

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

About this issue

Where do the 1,000 or so researchers from Quebec work in the field of oncology? Immunotherapy called “miracle” does it keep its promises? What happens when the medication becomes insufficient? In this issue, we deal with all of these questions, and more, realistically, without feeling complacent. We must bear in mind that scientific progress raises hopes that are not always fulfilled or not fulfilled with the required speed. Our cover demonstrates this unpolished look. Anyone diagnosed with cancer knows that life is losing its luster. For this we chose black and white. Sylvie Lavrancy agreed to be her face. She suffers from metastatic breast cancer, knowing that remission is no longer possible. “This disease has its share of simple mourning: I can no longer work, do daily walks, ride my bike. I don’t know if my hair will grow fully. Having said that, I am happy every morning that I have a new day ahead. Today is today. Tomorrow will be tomorrow.” She told us with impressive flexibility. Sylvie, thank you for your generosity.


This issue was published in May 2019. A few months later, on December 10, Sylvie Lavran died of cancer. Our condolences to his family and loved ones.

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