Saturday, October 26, 2024

As for Canada, Biden is not all good news

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Tony Vaughn
Tony Vaughn
"Total creator. Evil zombie fan. Food evangelist. Alcohol practitioner. Web aficionado. Passionate beer advocate."

While Joe Biden’s rise to power changed the tone of Canadian-American relations, the new US president began his tenure by canceling the major Keystone pipeline project. XL, Which some in Canada take very poorly.

“We are friends again!” Show the The New York TimesAnd the To describe the atmosphere in Canada that accompanied Joe Biden taking office. The daily reports that Justin Trudeau was the first prime minister to receive a call from President Biden on January 22 and that the two leaders agreed to meet in February. “To advance the important work of renewing the deep and lasting friendship between Canada and the United States,” As stated in a press release issued by the Canadian Prime Minister.

However, at the same time, Mr. Trudeau used the call to express his disappointment with Mr. Biden’s hasty decision to revoke the construction permit for the Keystone XL pipeline that was to transport oil sands from Alberta (Canada) to oil refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. This roughly 1,900 km pipeline project has been controversial for a long time: Barack Obama turned it down, it was authorized by Donald Trump, before Biden rejected it today. Although the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mark Garneau, indicated that Canada respects this decision, However, the pill is difficult to swallow in Alberta. “ specific Radio Canada.


Prime Minister Jason Kenny talks about Mr. ‘Punch’ He wants Ottawa to impose sanctions on the United States if Joe Biden refuses to talk. The Financial Post the support : It is an insult! […] Approx. 3 000 direct jobs and 14 000 jobs


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