Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Every year more heat. South Asia is experiencing record temperatures

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Last week, Bangladesh experienced more than forty degrees of heat, the hottest in nearly 60 years. Therefore, hundreds of people gathered in the city of Dhaka over the weekend to pray for the early arrival of rains.

“Pray for rain. And also to cool themselves and protect themselves from the heat,” explained Abul Kalam Azad, the local police chief.

At least 13 people have already died of heatstroke in India and at least two in Thailand. France24 Books With reference to Agence France-Presse.

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Science and schools

We are not used to this heat.

According to Indian authorities, temperatures in the north and east of the country are three to four degrees higher than normal. “We are not used to this kind of heat,” admitted Urmila Das, 42, from Guwahati. “It usually rains here from mid-March. But not this year.”

“It’s getting hotter every year,” complained Mikako Nikolsova, who lives in Bangkok. Meteorologists in Thailand had a temperature of 44.6 degrees in West Tak Province in mid-April. Next week will be even worse.

Burma is also affected by heat. “I often can’t even drive during the day because of the heat,” said Ko Thet Aung, a taxi driver in Yangon. Even in his words, the temperatures are rising year after year.

“The record temperatures this year in Thailand, China and South Asia are a clear climate trend that will cause public health problems in the coming years,” said Pakistani scientist Fahad Sajid who works at the German Institute for Climate Analyzes.

The poorest suffer the most

“The intense heat that we have recorded in recent days will affect people who live in poverty the most,” he said, adding that for those who “have no way or place to relax, it can be fatal.”

Global cumulative carbon dioxide emissions for the period 1850-2021
The United States of America accounts for the most cumulative CO2 emissions between 1850 and 2021, total CO2 emissions for the period (20.3 percent).
Not far behind are China (11.4%), Russia (6.9%), Brazil (4.5%) and Indonesia (4.1%).
The last two countries in the top five came in mainly because of emissions from deforestation.
However, if cumulative per capita emissions from 1850 to 2021 are taken into account, the five worst producers of carbon dioxide are New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the USA and Argentina in order.
For example, China, India, Brazil and Indonesia are not even in the top twenty.
Source: UK specialist website Carbon Brief

But climate change doesn’t just affect the poorest people – it directly causes poverty, The World Bank warned. According to her, up to 130 million people on the planet will end up in poverty over the next 10 years if governments do not try to curb climate change.

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Science and schools

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