Claudette Tremblay, a former municipal councilor in the area, still carried a copy of the flag and gave it to the city. She claims to have kept it at home since the merger in 2002.
For Dominique Arsino, a city spokesman, it was a pleasure to find the missing flag.
We’re really so glad we found it, it was the missing piece. When we finally get to unravel it, and see it completely, it’s a bit like unpacking a Christmas present
Share it on Monday.
The motto inscribed on the flag is: Without a shiver.
The flag will be included in the project of Mayor Julie Dufour, who wishes to highlight the identity of the old towns that make up today Saguenay.
” We’ve been looking for him for weeks, and we had no archive photos, no photos, nothing. We discovered it this morning and are excited to share it with you today. »
The government of Julie Dufour made the appeal to the public last Thursday. Sagweni already had the flag of the other six municipalities (Chikotemi, Junkiere, La Bay, Lac-Kinogami, Laterire and Chischo). The flags will be used as part of a project to identify former municipalities.
With information from Philippe L’Heureux
“Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic.”