Saturday, April 27, 2024
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Chuck Yeager, the breakout pilot, has died at the age of 97

Yeager broke the sound barrier when he tested the X-1 in October 1947, although this feat was not announced to the public until 1948.She...

Star Crossed Planets: The incredibly rare “Christmas star” appears for the first time in 800 years

ATLANTA (CNN) - The two largest planets in our solar system are getting closer together than they have been since the Middle Ages, and...

Georgia reconfirmed Biden’s victory for the third time after a recount, dealing a heavy blow to Trump’s attempt to reverse the results.

The recertification is another blow to President Donald Trump, who has had it for weeks It claimed without foundation "Rigged" elections in the state...

The source says William Barr is considering leaving the attorney general position before Trump leaves office

The source confirmed that Barr was unhappy with Trump, and wrote that Bar is "not the one who bully turns the other cheek!""He has...

Trump says that Rudy Giuliani tests positive for the Corona virus

"Get better soon Rudy, we will continue !!!" Trump Books On Twitter. A source familiar with the matter confirmed to CNN that Giuliani entered...

If the United States is my patient: Science cannot save us from ourselves

I say the best case scenario because we're so close to doing what would have seemed impossible before the pandemic: creating, testing, licensing, manufacturing,...

“SNL” simulates the disastrous hearing of Rudy Giuliani and Melissa Caron

The emergence of a new public character in the political realm is a precious moment for fans of "Saturday Night Live," one that often...

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