Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Mayor of Val de Montt will go

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

After careful considerationAs he explained in an interview, Jacques Lorraine decided he would not run for a third consecutive term as mayor.

He was elected mayor in 2009, then took over from the outgoing mayor, Jean Lavrinier, in 2013. At that time, it took a recount to confirm his victory. In 2017, Mr. Lauren was re-elected for a second term.

Age mattersAs the elected official, who just celebrated his 66th birthday, says. I believe that I achieved the goals that I set for myself at the beginning of the improvement of the infrastructure of the municipality of Val-de-Monte.

For example, he cites City Hall, Ready to Face In the next thirty to 35 years, The new municipal garage, in the Saint-Pierre sector, which It exactly meets the expectations that we had to protect our devicesAs well as the fire station in the same area.

There are new barracks to be built in the coming months for the area. Perkins. […] We received a grant of three million for this new barracks, and we weren’t expecting it. […] It is a service that residents expected and was among the goals that the municipal council set for itself four years ago.He says proudly.

Natural disasters

But the mayor will also experience less happy bouts, with torrential rains in 2017 causing a major downturn on the road, or spring 2019 flooding that put the municipality on alert.

He admits that the COVID-19 pandemic has also been difficult for local elected officials.

Residents were losing patience with government decisions. And who are on the front lines? It is the municipal government. We were the ones who bore the brunt when we took no responsibility for the decisions.

But for Mr. Laurin, it’s all about the past and now wants to focus on new adventures, making it clear that he wants to go One year.

We’ll see later what can happen on my way. I am someone who always wants to learn and experience life’s experiences.

Ottawa tattooed on the heart

And he assures us that regional or federal policy is not on his list of priorities. Instead, he would see himself working on a committee, for example on topics close to his heart like agriculture, and in particular food independence.

I have been dealing with this topic for several years. […] In Quebec, I think we can be food independent in the years to come. You just have to change the way things work, work on them, and then the time will comeLorraine estimated.

He also wants to make sure he gets Ottawa’s recognition – which he says he’s got Tattooed on the heart Continues at the provincial level.

The Autways have been neglected in the past, and I speak from experience. When I was young, political parties took awais for granted. I think the region really plays a role in Quebec.

If he says he made his decision with a feeling that the duty has been done, Mr. Lauren waives it, that makes him feel the same. A big tingling in my heart.

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