Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Poor Canada | duty

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Thomas Jones, the tailor’s son, had little clothes on his back. At the age of fourteen, he was living as best he could, walking the streets of an imperial capital where Queen Victoria, the sovereign, was most concerned with her direct relationship with Lord Melbourne, her beloved Prime Minister.

Young Jones, in this nineteenAnd Victorian century, made headlines. The newspapers of the Empire talked about him. He succeeded in the unusual feat of storming one of the world’s most closely watched residences of power: Buckingham Palace. Better: He lived there, at least a few days, without being spotted. In other words, he managed to live in the predicament of all this wealth that had been accumulated by those who had been deprived of the greatest number of them.

How did he do that? On one occasion, he climbed a garden wall, then slipped through an open window. His instinct then led him through the endless maze of apartments, even those of the Queen. Why settle for less?

Unlike Aline Chretien, the wife of the Canadian Prime Minister who one night surprised an intruder at her official colonial residence, no one, in Queen Victoria’s time, noticed the presence of young Jones. Until the day it was found curled up under a rich sofa. They got him out of there by the back of his neck, frankly, the scene created a lot of excitement.

Newspaper times, The pioneer of information at the time, he became interested in the case. In fact, the newspaper spoke more than anything else about the sofa under which the young man was found. The times This chair, he wrote, “is of the finest and most precious that can be seen, due to the richness of the materials and the mastery of workmanship.” It has been “expressly assigned to the use of royal visitors and celebrities who come to pay their respects to Her Majesty.” It was, in a way, the couch where the Empire sat with all its weight on its subjects.

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Jones was quickly judged, and sent to the House of Labour. These cruelly indigent homes were subjected to incredible disciplinary measures. The universe is one of them work role “These prisons of the poor, they will for a long time remain a part of the imperial landscape. In 1824, John Dickens was arrested and imprisoned in one of these houses in exchange for a small debt to the baker. His 12-year-old son, Charles, is a future authorOliver Twist Based on David Copperfield They will be locked up there at the same time. Charles Dickens will stick labels to shoe polish cans all day long. Entire families, such as the Dickens family, were exposed to this system that marked life with a hot iron while in Buckingham they were concerned about the effect of the hem.

After three months in confinement, young Jones was released. what did he do? He found a way to sneak back into the royal palace! How was that possible? They put their hands on his collar. Once again he suffered the life of one of these prisons.

When he left, the circus wanted to hire him to show himself to the curious who wanted to see up close the one who dared to live at the expense of those who lived at the expense of the whole of society. The police caught Jones wandering the mansion again…He was sent on boats for maniacs, time hoppers. During his layover in Portsmouth, he escaped. Try to return to the castle. They caught him and brought him back to the sea, some say he died between Tunisia and Algeria. He is said to have jumped into the water to reach a luminous buoy in the midst of the waves. Did he confuse him with the kings? Others claim he was sent to end his days in a criminal colony in Australia, in order to protect Buckingham Palace.

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Canada lived, for years, like this young Jones. He makes himself believe that he has a place near this monarchy to which he attaches himself like a buoy. In a few days, during a visit to his colony, Prince Charles of Ottawa will be awarded the title of Exceptional Commander of the Order of Military Merit. It will be his mother’s representative, the Governor General of Canada, who will invest him with this new additional title. The one Gabriel Nadeau Dubois refused to meet a few days before, saying he had better things to do.

In Quebec, the population still inhabits a kind of anti-property schizophrenia. This opposition to the monarchy is limited, in fact, to acting as if this reality could be escaped by just looking away. And so he found himself repeating, on the occasion of Shirley Dorismond’s election to the ranks of the deputies of Pakistan, that this might be the last time a deputy oath would take the crown. It was sufficient, as it has been scientifically explained, to use some new pretext.

We love to fantasize. Every year, we make ourselves believe that we celebrate Patriots on the Monday before May 25th. Originally a holiday in honor of Queen Victoria’s birthday, this date is a wonderful testament to our fantasies. Since the 1920s, in the name of narrow nationalism, people have believed they could erase this colonial reality by kneeling before the Dollar d’Ormo, this false hero of an imagined New France. For this dollar, which soon sank before the poverty of facts that kept it in the air, we substituted its corresponding symbol, the symbol of the Patriots 1837-1838. However, nothing connects the Republican battles of the Patriots to May Day. Should there be a need for another vacation? In Pakistan, the Prime Minister settled the matter. He already argued that we have enough days off. Poor Canada…

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