Sunday, February 16, 2025

Recognition of the Uyghur Genocide | Canada is not yet ready to make a decision

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

(Ottawa) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pleaded Wednesday that the government “takes seriously the allegations of genocide” of the Muslim Uyghur minority in Xinjiang, China, but is not yet ready to officially recognize them.

Melanie MarquezMelanie Marquez

Since the start of the week, in the House of Commons, many elected members of the Conservative Party have been chasing the liberal government, urging it to take an official stance, as the media continues to document the situation in eastern China.

They stepped up the pressure on Wednesday, the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.

Independent investigations have already been carried out. It is based on testimonies from survivors, satellite imagery and data leaks from the Chinese government. The evidence is clear […]The government has to believe them, “the official-elected Alberta official, Garnett Guinness, believed.

Why is the prime minister still sitting on the fence and refusing to answer questions and acknowledge this genocide? “, Release.

Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a répliqué qu’Ottawa prenait «les allégations de génocide extrêmement au sérieux», et qu’il s’agissait là de la raison pour laquelle «nous suivons les bons processus pour établir notre point de vue et notre position officielle in this subject “.

Le gouvernement canadien travaille en partenariat avec les États-Unis et d’autres partenaires dans l’objectif “d’aller de l’avant de manière rapid concertée”, at-il ajouté, disant comprendre “la volonté d’agirement sur this point “.

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Last October, the House of Commons’s International Subcommittee on Human Rights concluded that genocide exists.

“In light of the testimonies it collected during the hearings in 2018 and 2020, the Subcommittee is convinced that the actions of the Chinese Communist Party constitute genocide under conditions Genocide Convention, ” We read his report.

This remark angered Beijing.

“These baseless statements are full of lies and misinformation […] It reflects the ignorance and prejudice of these Canadians. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, stormed, “China expresses its regret and firmly opposes it.”

Canadian Foreign Minister Mark Garneau said earlier this week that “the mounting evidence of a systematic crackdown cannot be ignored.”

He said that Ottawa intends to continue to press “for an investigation by an independent international body so that neutral experts can monitor the situation directly.”

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