Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Training abroad … Telework

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

Great Canadian spaces, you will only be in the background. While Canada temporarily closes its borders to expatriate candidates, Pôle Emploi and Office franco québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ) are collaborating to offer internships for unemployed youth at a company in Quebec … in telecommuting.

For twenty-six years, the two job search assistance organizations have organized training courses in Quebec and Canada for candidates between the ages of 18 and 35. This destination and French-speaking province attracts young graduates who want to try their luck abroad. Since 2005, the number of French registered in the consular records in Quebec and Montreal has nearly doubled. According to the numbers of the Consulate General of France in Quebec.

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But in 2021, aspiring interns will have to be content with a virtual expat. Due to the health crisis, this program is developing in the form of “telestages”, for a period of three months full time, in the areas of communications, IT development, human resources and graphics.

Opportunity or risk?

From his headquarters in France, the intern will have to work at home, with his computer, for a company on the other side of the Atlantic with six hours of jet lag. In terms of supervision, the trainee and his host company will be monitored by OFQJ throughout the period.

After telecommuting, phone or even remote alienation? “These remote training is a real opportunity to develop an experience and a network across the Atlantic and are essential to prepare for a future departure to Canada and entry into a company., Florence Dumontier, Director of International Mobility at Pôle emploi, supports in a press release related to this initiative. These remote work programs allow them to enrich their CV with a remote cultural experience. “

But these arguments are far from convincing Stefan Busateri, vice president of the Association of Science Alumni Bo Grenoble. “What is the value of remote work in addition to extracurricular training?” I wonder about these companies that use skills and ideas this way for free while the person stays at home and isn’t really supervisedIt is uploaded by the director of the association. Candidates can use this time to try to find a job, especially if they turn 35! “

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