Saturday, July 27, 2024

Doctors say: ‘We have a lot of calls’

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
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Dozens of doses have already been given in Tarbes, and soon more than 200 vaccines in Pau The management of patients eligible for monkeypox vaccination is slowly gaining momentum in Bjarne and Begur. In the Pyrenees Atlantic, Bayonne and Pau Hospitals have their own free vaccination center. In Hautes-Pyrénées, it is CegiDDTarbes, or a free information, diagnosis and examination center based in Tarbes, which is responsible for the monkeypox vaccination.

Hundreds of people have been vaccinated

“We have a lot of calls, including from neighboring circles” Marie-Christine Buchou, MD, a physician at CegiDD in Tarbes, explains. “Because there are widespread concerns, so we have to resolve them.” In fact, Not everyone can be immunized against monkeypox. You must be in contact with a proven cause, or be part of the target population: gay and transgender men with multiple partners, people in prostitution, and those who work in places of sexual consumption. On the other hand, vaccination is not for those who have contracted the disease.

At CegiDD in Tarbes, the doctor in charge of the vaccination specifies that she currently orders about ten doses per week. to me Bao . HospitalSince July, vaccination has been organized in sessions where you have to register: these “sessions” Dedicated to preventive vaccination of the target population. If you are in a rut, other vaccination slots will be available. and lo Doesn’t take the size of covidAstrid Maynard, MD, a physician at the hospital’s vaccination center, notes that there are more and more requests: “Yes it is growing and we have a lot of people. We did the first session with about sixty patients in July, and the second in August where 140 people were vaccinatedThis is more than 200 doses given since the end of July.

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Useful numbers for the monkeypox vaccination
At Bau Hospital: 05 59 92 50 38 where 05 59 82 54 37 In CegiDD in Tarbes: 05 62 56 74 94

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