Saturday, February 8, 2025

Lara Trump expects a landslide victory in the rejection of the ballot

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Public opinion polls and election forecasts indicate that a Trump victory is possible, although it is unlikely to be on the margins that Trump and other allies say they envision – and perhaps with fewer than the 306 electoral college votes he received in the 2016 election.

The president has repeatedly bemoaned the possibility that the victor will not be known by dawn on Wednesday, given the crushing of mail ballots counting countries during this election cycle.

Trump cast doubt on Legitimacy of a lengthy processDemanding the election night decision and insisting that anything else increases the risk of fraud It can spark violence Unrest across the country. But even in regular elections, results are not approved days or weeks after Election Day. Election night calls are informal calls, usually from media organizations, based on expectations.

The President took a quieter approach on Tuesday, saying “There’s no reason to play games” and that he is He will declare himself the winner “Only when there is victory.”

A clear outcome in Trump’s favor would avoid some of the concerns raised by Democrats, though it will require polls to be canceled by a greater margin even than in 2016.

Kylie McNani, the White House press secretary who also played an advisory role in the Trump campaign in its final days, argued Tuesday that this was the case.

“I now expect to win Nevada, win Minnesota. I think the president has won a landslide victory and this talk of litigation is nothing.”

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