Saturday, July 27, 2024

Republicans in the House of Representatives rush to defend Trump over Georgia’s invitation as Democrats prepare for a censure resolution

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

After House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy downplayed Trump’s staggering request, other Republicans rushed to his defense – and some refused to object to the president’s actions.

“I didn’t take part in the call,” said Minnesota Rep. Tom Emir, who heads the Republican campaign arm in the House of Representatives.

Representative Paul Gossard, a conservative Republican from Arizona who is joining his colleagues’ efforts to nullify the election results on Wednesday, said Trump’s call was a simple expression of “great disappointment”.

“Correct political speech is not doing well,” Gossar said when asked about Trump.

Ohio Republican Jim Jordan, leader Congressional efforts to overturn the elections, Argued that Trump’s call was similar to fighting impeachment A call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Where Trump requested an investigation into the Biden case.

“I have no worries,” Jordan said. “But you guys in the press and the Democrats will always raise as big a problem as you did with calling Zelensky.”

Asked if Trump’s call might cut support for the Republican Party on Wednesday, Jordan said he would not. “We have got tremendous support and it’s growing,” he said. “And I think it will continue to grow.”

Trump’s call with the Georgia foreign minister, which CNN transmitted on an audio recording, Washington Post And others on Sunday came before Republicans attempted to veto President-elect Joe Biden’s victory when Congress counted the Electoral College votes on Wednesday. At least 140 House Republicans Dozens of Republicans in the Senate are preparing to vote against Biden’s victory in an effort to nullify the election results despite the lack of evidence of widespread voter fraud, although this effort split Republicans, with some Republicans publicly criticizing their colleagues for the efforts. They accuse her of being dangerous. democracy.
Trump attacked the Republicans who did not join his efforts to cancel the election results, She tweets on Monday In Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, one of the model allies of the Republican Party in the Senate, after Cotton announced that he would not support the objections.

Republican Rep. Lee Zelden criticized the press when asked if he had any concerns about Trump’s hour-long call, which was taped and leaked to the media.

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“I hope the reports on it are a full and honest discussion – as opposed to the one-sided view,” said Zeldin.

Replay / count. Marjorie Taylor GreenThe fiercely conservative student from northwest Georgia told CNN that she will travel with Trump to the state on Monday. Ravensburger attacked when asked if she had any concerns about Trump’s call with Georgia’s foreign minister.

“I think our foreign minister has let Georgia down,” Green said. I think that the certification of our elections should be revoked. “

When asked if this would affect her and the other Republicans in Georgia, who were all elected on the same ballot, Green said: “We are only talking about the presidential race.”

But some Republicans have voiced their concerns, including Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, No. 3 in the Republican leadership who is also urging her colleagues to turn away from efforts to undermine the will of voters when Congress meets on Wednesday to count the electoral votes that made Biden. The winner of the race.

“I think it was very worrying,” Cheney told CNN of the call. “I think it was very disturbing, and I think everyone should listen to an hour full of that.”

Senator Pat Tommy, the Pennsylvania Republican who criticized Senator Josh Hawley when he was a Missouri Republican He announced that he intended to object To the results of the Pennsylvania state election, he said Monday that Trump’s call with Ravensburger was a “new low.”

“President Trump’s call with Georgia’s foreign minister, Brad Ravensberger, marks a new low in this entire unfortunate and sterile episode,” Tommy said in a statement. “I commend the Republican election officials across the country who have performed their duties impartially over the past two months while facing relentless pressure, misinformation, and attacks from the president and his campaign.”

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Democrats also began discussing how to respond to Trump’s call on Monday.

Rep. Hank Johnson, a Georgia Democrat and a member of the House Judiciary Committee, distributed a letter Monday to gather support for a resolution he intends to bring to blame and indict Trump for seeking to overturn election results in Georgia, Democratic sources told CNN on Monday. It remains to be seen whether the chamber will vote on the resolution, which would be a symbolic reprimand for the president.

The debate comes amid growing disagreement from the Republican Party ahead of the joint session of Congress on Wednesday, as Republicans in the House of Representatives are expected to object to the counting of the electoral votes elected by Biden. If at least one Republican member joins them, which is to be expected, each house will have to debate objections for up to two hours before voting on whether to confirm the objection. The election is destined to fail, but the moves could prolong the debate as lawmakers plan to push through objections to the six states that Trump has lost – and he’s already putting many Republicans in trouble.

Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman, who is slated for re-election in 2022, said on Monday that he would support Wednesday’s election ratification and oppose efforts by some of his fellow Republicans to challenge the vote.

Trump's pressure to reverse the election results is tearing the Republican party apart

“I plan to respect this oath by upholding state testimony and the will of the people. I will vote to ratify in line with my duty under the constitution,” Portman said in a statement. I cannot support letting Congress frustrate the will of the electorate.

While Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urged his colleagues to avoid down the road to questioning the election results, McCarthy calmly did. His blessings for this effort He told the president that he’s on his side, according to several governors involved in the push. On Monday, McCarthy ignored questions about whether he really supports these efforts.

“What I’ve read about – the president has always been concerned about the integrity of the election,” McCarthy said on Fox when asked about the Georgia call.

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The majority of House Republicans can still join the effort to challenge the election. Imer, for example, won’t say whether he supports the challenge.

“I understand some senators will object – we’ll see how the debate goes,” Emmer said, adding that he would assess how the debate would go. “I will hear.”

New Jersey Representative Geoff Van Drew, a former Democrat-turned-Republican, has said he will join efforts to challenge the election results.

“Anytime only about 50% of the American public think an election is correct, something is wrong,” Van Drew said. Van Drew told that many voters do not believe the election was correct because Trump refused to accept the results, and said, “They don’t listen to everything he says. They do it because they think so.”

This story has been updated with additional developments on Monday.

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