Tuesday, January 21, 2025

RSEQ examines four societal issues

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

RSEQ’s desire to silence any act of discrimination, exclusion and humiliation among educational institutions that are members of the Sports Federation passes through the creation of four separate committees, each of which is devoted to one problem.

We didn’t just take one portion, we took all four. He is very ambitious. But if we take one, we prefer one issue over another, while the four are, on a frequent basis, issues we hear. On a weekly basis, we receive calls from institutions, students, or parents who are interested in one of these issues.

Gustav Roel, President and CEO of RSEQ

Our challenge – and this is very special in Quebec – is that of the same mission, the RSEQ must serve a kindergarten student as well as a college student. The bets are very different, He explains.

The mega project that the regional organization has embarked on, the first of its kind in student sport in Quebec of this scale, is already well under way. The first committee will start working in mid-March, followed by the other three committees in turn. Time is already running out.

The deadlines we find ourselves on are very short. I would say it’s a fast marathon because the goal is to present the final report in October 2021 as part of the General Assembly for Student Sports., The guy continues on top of the RSEQ.

It also reaches out to regional associations such as football in Quebec or Hockey Quebec, to name a few, in order to jointly tackle racism, the position of women in sports and the participation of people with functional limitations. And the integration of LGBTQ + communities. Problems that Not only are they experienced in the student environment, they are also experienced abroadThis is Gustav Rowell.

The consultations will be very intense. We will consult with the network, and thus the members we know. But we want to get outside, so we’re going to the student community. All students will have the opportunity to express themselves [tout comme] Coaches, management, external partners, sports federations, and organizations involved in these issues in the world of sport, Continue.

Various channels will be created to facilitate exchanges, such as virtual round tables and online surveys, with the aim of making student sports more inclusive. It will also be possible to send RSEQ with any form of documentation or information related to the four cases.

We are working on identifying a certain number of stakeholders and ambassadors who are interested in these issues, and their role will be to take an external and objective view of the process we take so that from start to finish, we are the most objective in the conclusions we can draw., Refers to the CEO of the organization.

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