Monday, February 10, 2025

Biden faces a battle with Congress for more coronavirus relief

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Elected President Joe BidenJoe Biden has grounded flights from Nashville due to communications problems linked to the RV explosion Does Haaland’s choice demonstrate Biden’s commitment to ban fracking public lands? Police: The car that exploded in Nashville broadcasts a warning before further exploding He is already pressing Congress to pass more coronavirus relief early next year, setting the stage for a high-profile battle with Republican lawmakers shortly after he takes office.

Congress approved nearly $ 900 billion in new aid after months of bargaining with soaring coronavirus cases, business closures, cities reimposing lockdown restrictions and hundreds of thousands of Americans dying from the virus.

Invoice that President TrumpDonald Trump, Millions Set to Loss Unemployment Benefits Amid Trump’s Confrontation with Congress Memorandum: Can Pence Run and Win in 2024? Flights from Nashville were halted due to communications problems linked to the exploding RV more Criticized, but not threatening to use a veto, and aims to help the country through what public health experts have warned that it will be a harsh winter, even as two vaccines start to be administered. But Biden and the Democrats view it as a “down payment” before the additional aid they want to pass next year.

“I’ve said all along, this bill is just a first step – a down payment – to tackle the crisis … we’re in it. There’s a lot of work to be done.” Biden told reporters during a news conference shortly after Congress passed the relief package, That has been pegged at $ 1.4 trillion in government funding through September 30, early next year I will present to Congress my plans for what comes next.

Democratic leaders echo Biden’s pledge, who have pledged to work with him to push for more funding once he is sworn in as president on January 20.

“We have new hope that stems from a vaccine and from President-elect Biden’s commitment to follow the flag. We are ready for the next step,” the spokesperson Nancy PelosiNancy Pelosi sends relief bill to Trump in Florida Megan McCain says Merry Christmas to everyone except for “healthy people under the age of 65” who receive the vaccine before frontline workers refuse to unanimously approve 000,000 direct payments More (D-California) wrote in a letter to fellow Democrats.

Minority Leader in the Senate Charles SchumerChuck Schumer should unite Trump and Pelosi for a thousand checks Schumer relief over Trump’s call for a K in direct payments: Progressive Democrats, “ I’m in, ” indicate support for Trump’s request for higher direct payments More (DN.Y.) told reporters that he spoke to Biden after the bill was passed. He said they agreed that the country needed a “bigger and bolder bill” and in “January, February we will start.”

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But Biden is likely to face major headwinds from Republicans in the Senate, regardless of which party controls the Senate after the two rounds of runoffs in Georgia on Jan.5.

If the Republicans won one or both Georgia races, they would have 51 or 52 room seats, which would mean the majority leader in the Senate. Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell group seeks to avoid Trump’s chaotic battle over the bipartisan electoral college, and bicameral group urges Trump to sign a COVID-19 relief package Megan McCain says Happy Birthday to everyone except for “ healthy people under the age ” 65-year-olds get vaccinated before frontline workers more (Republic of Kentucky) will control the procedures that are actually put to the vote. If the Democrats won both seats, they would be able to impose a 50-50 majority, but they would still need Republican support in order to pass most legislation.

Top Republicans are warning that while they expect Biden to request more COVID-19 aid, he is far from ensuring congressional approval for it.

“Nothing is guaranteed. … I am sure you will hear from the administration, especially state and local governments, Senator. John CornynJohn CornynGOP seeks to avoid Trump’s chaotic battle over passage of the Electoral College relief bill, leading to a scramble to declare victory, blaming Congress for passing a temporary seven-day hiatus to buy time for the COVID-19 financing deal More (R-Texas) said about the possibility of getting more relief next year.

It. John ThonJohn Randolph ThuneGOP seeks to avoid Trump’s chaotic battle on Trump’s electoral college recent weeks creating chaos for Republican lawmakers scrambling to prevent year-end legislative disaster More (SD), Senator No. 2 in the Republican Party, said that the pressure for more relief from the Coronavirus can be determined by the results of the Georgia races.

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I think the next administration is looking at it as something that they can do now and then they can come back next year. Thon asked if he viewed the year-end package as a down payment, “Maybe a lot of that depends on what happens in Georgia.”

McConnell was non-binding when asked during a conversation Fox News Interview About providing more aid.

“If after taking over the new administration they want to stand up for more, we’ll take a look at that depending on conditions in the country,” McConnell said.

The battle can reach its climax fairly quickly, even as Biden has to juggle his administration’s setup and operation as he tries to tackle other priorities in his first 100 days in office.

Biden plans to start pushing in more aid as soon as possible in January or February. Meanwhile, Congress will face a series of so-called relief cliffs as programs authorized under its latest law begin to phase out. The biggest deadline will be when the 10-week unemployment extension included in the year-end blanket deal begins phasing out in mid-March. Depending on the time of application, small businesses can start ending their Paycheck Protection loans at around the same time.

“I think everybody understands that Vice President Biden will ask for another bill, so we’ll have another chance to reconsider it soon,” Cornin said of the looming slope of unemployment.

Biden outlines a broad and ambitious wish list for a potential package, which could be a major boost as Republicans increasingly wary of deficits following the adoption of the big spending bills under President Trump. Biden, who has called for more money to test COVID-19 and distribute vaccines, also cited a desire for state and local funding, extensions of federal unemployment benefits and rental assistance and a third round of stimulus checks.

But there are still deep divisions between the two parties over their respective priorities that have been left out of the $ 900 billion deal: more aid to state and local governments and the Republican push for protection from coronavirus lawsuits.

Pelosi and Schumer pledged to provide direct money to state and local governments, whose officials have warned that they may need to cut services as the coronavirus dries up their tax base.

“I think we’ll have a more robust bill on state and domestic issues and many other issues … under the Biden administration we have it now,” Schumer told reporters.

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But state and local government money is a curse for some Republicans, and the Republican leadership has warned for months that such funds would reduce the number of votes they would be able to get to support a new package. A bipartisan group included more money under its framework for a compromise measure, but was dropped from the final agreement drafted by the leadership.

McConnell has already said he will “insist” that protection from coronavirus lawsuits be included in any additional COVID-19 relief.

“I think minimizing liability is really important,” McConnell said. “And if there is another draft Corona virus relief bill after the first of the year, I will insist that liability protection for these universities and health care providers is part of it.”

Democrats were wary of these efforts, worried that any legal protections would undermine state-passed regulations and could hollow workers’ safety standards.

“We couldn’t come to an agreement on responsibility.” “I spent two weeks non-stop trying and we were not successful,” the senator said. Dick DurbinWarren and other senators seek to investigate the Trump administration’s resumption of federal executions, Biden has chosen a senior Hoyer employee to join the administration’s contact team, lawmakers expect a coronavirus relief deal soon More (D-Illinois) on the recent efforts of Congress to find common ground on this issue.

Biden appears to have acknowledged that Congress could throw a curve ball into his plans for more relief.

When asked by reporters if he can confirm lawmakers will act soon, Biden seemed amused.

“You all are asking the most interesting questions. Have you ever known anyone in the history of the United States of America who could be a president and confirm exactly what Congress would do?” Biden said. “I can’t guarantee anything but I can tell you what to expect.”

Biden added: “There are still people who do not want to help, and there are still people insisting on my way or the highway.” “But the vast majority of members of Congress, I believe, will be able to resolve those specific issues that have national consequences.”

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