Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Is Moldova in danger of being drawn into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? Pro-Russian demonstrations in the O Radio party are getting stronger

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Ukraine of preparing nuclear provocations in Transnistria. According to Moscow, Kiev wants to use radioactive materials in the pro-Russian enclave there on the territory of Moldova. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleh Nikolenko categorically rejected the claim that Ukraine was planning some kind of nuclear provocation in Transnistria. He wrote on social media that Russia likes to blame others for what it plans.


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Moldovan Oligarch Ilan Șor | Source: Profimedia

A spokesman for the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Oleh Nikolenko, urged everyone not to be fooled by this Russian propaganda, as its goal is to destabilize the whole situation.

Listen to the full interview with Martin Dorazín on Radiožurnál.

“It’s hard to imagine that under these circumstances someone might smuggle some radioactive material into Ukraine. That’s really far-fetched,” Martin Durazin said.

Russia has long been trying to influence the situation in various countries, including Moldova. Among other things, this is also considered his territory. Therefore, part of the Moldovan society rightly fears that this will happen to them in the same way as to the Ukrainians.

The Gagauz Autonomous Region is especially loyal to Russia. This is precisely the reason for the severe division of society in the country.

Russia’s claim that Ukraine received radioactive materials to carry out a “provocation” is fake news. Ukraine is strictly committed to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Don’t be fooled by Russian propaganda writers. Russians often accuse others of what they themselves plan.

12:06 – 01.03.2023



For example, the pro-Russian business oligarch Ivan Dor is active here. He fled into exile, specifically to Israel. And the party itself is on the US sanctions list.

Demonstrations in Moldova

The reason is precisely the close relations it maintains with Moscow. The party is also funded mainly by the Russian secret service FSB, thanks to which Ruka is trying to destabilize society even more.

The party organized several large demonstrations, which witnessed skirmishes with the police, attempts to storm government buildings, and so on. People at the demonstrations chanted slogans “Only with Russia” or “Only with Moscow”, etc.

German Chancellor Schulz said that the first step towards peace should be taken by Russia as an aggressor

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But not only Moldovans took part in the demonstration. It was found that there were also people who came from Russia specifically to take part in the demonstration, that is, to disturb society.

Perhaps no one wants Moldova to be drawn into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, but of course, in theory, the possibility exists. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently reported on preparations for a coup attempt. This was supposed to happen already in February with the help of Russians, Montenegrins, Serbs, Belarusians and others.

The pro-Western president, Maia Sandova, is trying to properly investigate the whole situation. The nervous situation is evidenced by the fact that some low-cost airlines have canceled flights to Chisinau. He justified the decision by saying that they do not consider Moldova a safe and stable region

Stoban Pokorny, Martin Durazin

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