Saturday, February 8, 2025

Teresa Mazzareri, GIS Specialist

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Theresa Mazzareri
Theresa Mazzareri

Theresa Mazariere is an official scientific doctoral researcher in Zimbabwe, specializing in geoinformation sciences. His research topic is “Exploring the potential of geospatial tools to understand population dynamics of Anopheles arabiensis: Steps towards establishing a mosquito sterilization program in South Africa”.

Teresa Mazzareri is among the few women majoring in geoinformatics. An applied system that studies, develops and uses methods and techniques for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and visualizing geographic information. After growing up in a society where science was like religion, she was well on her way to achieving her goals. describing herself as A scientist studies by candlelight after long hours working in the fields In appreciation of her grandmother who encouraged her to succeed.

Very applied, Teresa Mazari is spoken of in South Africa. She was one of the first scientists in this part of Africa to use geographic information systems and remote sensing techniques to monitor the movements of mosquito species on a large scale, saving time and resources. Together with her team, she collects detailed information on the environmental, climatic and land use conditions that allow mosquitoes to survive, in order to determine the largest population. This allows him to determine the best place to release sterile laboratory males to mate with native females, preventing the spread of malaria.

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Understanding the vectors of malaria

With her excellent grades and commitment to solving public health problems, she was selected as a PhD researcher by the South African Department of Health Sciences. Currently, it is exploring the potential of geotechnical tools to understand population dynamics of Anopheles arabiensis, a major malaria-causing agent in arid or mountainous regions of Southern Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. It also collaborates with the National Sterile Insect Technology (TIS) Program.

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As a scholar, Teresa Mazarier draws on the famous African proverb: By educating a woman, you educate a nation “. For her, “Every country should invest in science education and put in place policies to encourage girls to have an interest in science,” To engage women in transforming global health systems.

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