Sunday, February 16, 2025

Report of the session in Quebec: the glitch

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Tony Vaughn
Tony Vaughn
"Total creator. Evil zombie fan. Food evangelist. Alcohol practitioner. Web aficionado. Passionate beer advocate."

Federal Wing for CAQ Found that the Drummondville Convention looks like a file Ceremony pequist. And those who have taken the floor to raise the red flag, in the Cabinet and in the caucus, are in particular the regulars on the list of awards such as Doby, Gerard, Lebel and Boulet. All the feds.

The announcement of Bernard Drenville’s return to politics came later. A true electric shock in the ranks of Caquists. The deputy said it was the great silence who wondered why it was necessary to enlist him.

Since power is a solid cement, Federals worried about the party’s future and MPs worried about their own take the road to their constituencies, in awe, for a vacation before the election in the fall.

session stars

The Minister of Health, Christian Dube, who is also a producer of maple syrup in his spare time, delivered the goods. His bills for access to family physicians and the termination of the health emergency were approved. His plan to revamp the healthcare system was well received, and on top of it all, his maple syrup, called “Cuvée Libârté”, was bottled, ready to taste.

Minister of Health and Social Services Christian Duby

Photo: The Canadian Press/Paul Chiason

The very Federal Minister of Finance, Eric Girard, is an important link in François Legault’s alliance. He is cute and his colleagues adore him. Moreover, the four budgets he presented in his tenure crystallized his credibility in public opinion.

For the minister in charge of the elderly, Margaret Bliss, the transformation was astonishing. After she was severely attacked on social media during the outbreak of the epidemic, she was fully rehabilitated by the forensic doctor Jihan Kamel, who praised her testimony during her investigation into deaths in the pandemic. CHSLD. It also approved its draft law to address elder abuse. She’s now cruising, relieved, on the RV she just got with her husband.

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good moves

The minister in charge of the French language, Simon-Jolin-Barrett, succeeded in the first reform of Bill 101. By adopting the Law on Secularism, he positioned himself as the leader of François Legault’s nationalism. However, the coming period may be different because his ambitions for the highest position are known. We want to see him more often on the pitch in order to humanize him a little bit.

The Minister of Culture, Natalie Roy, who had a terrible mandate, was able to show up within five minutes until midnight. She managed to pass the artist status bill, which brought some shine back to her fading star. His name is now in play for the presidency of the National Assembly.

big heads

It is often said that the worst predicament for politicians in power is hubris. If it is a competition, we will award the Palme d’Or immediately to the Quebec rally.

Deputy Prime Minister Genevieve Gilbolt, sitting on the fence at the tram coil, made people unhappy. Our honeymoon with the new mayor of Quebec only continued for a high-heeled stroll down the Promenade Samuel de Champlain. Very active on the field and in social media, Ms. Gilbolt began feeling the pulse of advisers to prepare for her future race for the party leadership, which was not well received.

Minister Eric Kayer, extremely nervous about the rise of the Conservative Party led by Eric Duhemy, provoked the famous mayor of Quebec by declaring that he Pollution of motorists’ lives With its own tram project. His slips cost the government dearly. He had to apologize From the bottom of the heart to his prime minister.

The capital’s third minister, Jonathan Julian, also added his year by declaring that the tram project should have the support of 50% + 1 of the population. His statement was quickly and firmly contradicted by François Legault.

And here we arc to salute the “prickly” government that has had to pass the “speech” so often to try to paraphrase the message in the media. Ioan Sophis (Prime Minister’s Office) remains the medium of communication. Marjaurie Côté-Boileau (Health) and Florent Tanlet (Education) deserve a tip of the hat.


The Minister of Transport, François Bonnardel, in general very efficient, did not have the best of him. After defending the third link project with reference to the ambiguous PPM indicator – of bridges per million inhabitants – he called urban densification a fashion. His regional travel plan, with a cap on plane tickets at $500, is poorly laid out.

Economy Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon almost made it through the session without making any waves. He persuaded Moderna to move to Montreal. Then oops! He’s still in the hot seat at the end of the session because he’s had dinner with a lobbyist. Sinkal posted a photo of himself and his team on Twitter with the caption: Guess who I’m having dinner with tonight?

Matthew Lacombe, in the family, has been going through a bumpy session. We don’t really know how many places have been added (or not) in the daycare network. Perhaps he had his mind elsewhere.

It is impossible not to mention the Minister of Forestry, Pierre Dufour. Its management of the forest ibex complicated relations with Ottawa and made headlines for the wrong reasons. It was the government’s chief firefighter, Sonya Leibel, who picked up the file and softened the tone.

opposition parties

Liberals Dominic Engled saw the session as a perpetual rollercoaster ride. The party’s turn to the left did not adhere well and the result in the by-election in Marie-Victorian was disastrous.

The language controversy has revolutionized .’s traditional customers QLP. Two English-speaking parties decided to set themselves on the right track to short the liberals. Not to mention that the leader would introduce an entirely new team while half of the elected liberals would leave politics.

The subject of sovereignty, which brought the prime minister back into the news, was seen at the caucus as an unexpected gift left on the Liberal leader’s doorstep. Three months before the election, Dominic Engled’s political party will be put to the test.

Quebec Solidere and its leader Gabriel Nadeau Dubois like to be labeled as the main opponents of François Legault. We have seen the party’s efforts to become more professional, but the leader’s team must take into account its hard-line base who resists and wants to be part of the decisions.

must be recognized QS He preferred to succeed in imposing the issue of housing. A work of Shadow in the Shadows by Representative Andres Fontichella. A true team player, says a supportive advisor, always ready to help and asking for nothing in return.

The star of the opposition then goes to Representative Andres Fontichella.

What about Party Quebecoa? It’s hard to hit someone who’s already infected. After the loss of Marie-Victorine and Veronique Hevon, the party must come to terms with the pronouncements of its new mother-in-law, Lucien Bouchard.

However, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon finds the courage to compare himself to Rocky in the fourth film of the saga, where the boxer, despite everything, ends up defeating Drago.

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